(260) 749-5300 eacchurchoffice@yahoo.com

Happy Seniors Lunch

The Happy Seniors will have lunch together at the Lunch Box Café. 8814 Coldwater Rd on Monday, August 26th at 11:30 a.m. Please sign up in the foyer if you plan to attend.

WinGS Meeting

Women in God’s Service (WinGS) will meet on August 13th at 6:30 p.m. in the church basement. All ladies are invited.

Birthday/Anniversary Fellowship

Our monthly birthday/anniversary fellowship will take place after the evening service on August 18th. Those in charge are: Set Up: Care Group 4, Serve: Care Group 1, and Clean Up: Care Group 2. Bring finger food to share and join the fun and...

Creative Thursday

Ladies, join us on Thursday, August 30th from 7-9 pm for “Creative Thursday.” We will meet in the church basement for a time of creativity, relaxation, devotion and fellowship. All crafts are welcome. Take a creative break from the day with your...
Mission Week Report

Mission Week Report

As you know, our planned mission trip to Cookville, Tennessee this year had to be cancelled. This was a difficult decision for us as we really wanted to help the people affected by tornadoes that hit there earlier this summer. However, this past week 23 members of EAC...

Mission Trip Cancelled

The Elders have come to the difficult decision to cancel this year’s mission trip. The decision involved several factors: After receiving feedback from those who had expressed interest in going on the trip, many had decided to opt out, and of those still willing...