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What is the value of faith? Why is it that God finds so much power in those who believe in His Son? It is a fundamental essential to be acceptable to God. (Hebrews 11:6) Faith is the key to being a righteous servant. (Genesis 15:6; Romans 4:4-9) By Biblical definition faith is far more than a simple academic capitulation; it requires a life of action toward our stated principles. (James 2:21) Hebrews chapter 11 is filled with examples of faithful followers who gave everything in their life for the sake of serving the one true and living God.

As an offering based in real leadership and commitment to what is right, God gave His only Son. (John 3:16) If you will, this might be construed as God expressing faith in us. Jesus exclaimed that man would die in his sins if he was not faithful in his life to God. (John 8:24) Faith is required for us to obtain wisdom. (James 1:6) Anything in life we get involved with that does not include our faith is truly sin. (Romans 14:23)

Faith originates in the hearing of the Word of God. (Romans 10:17) Christians can be grown from a “one – and only,” single seed – the Gospel of Jesus. (Luke 8:11) Wherever the Word has travelled and been spread, there are Christians. Where it has not been, Christians will not exist. In telling the story of the life of Jesus, we find the Gospel is written for us to have life, and to have it more abundantly. (John 10:10, 20:31) Those who believe the apostles’ teaching are blessed with eternal life if they will act on the invitation of the Gospel. While the Gospel is for all people, (2 Peter 3:9) it is not the choice of every man. (1 Corinthians 2:14) As a result those who reject the offering of God for salvation will be lost. (Hebrews 6:4-6)

Man seeks answers to many problems. God manages to get unjustly blamed for many of them. We have so many issues such as social unrest, poverty, famine, crime, moral confusion, and spiritual blindness on a catastrophic level. Our faith is extended to adults playing kids games. People find connection with athletes they have never met as if that same person did more for them than Jesus did. We seem to have such an illusory, but substantial relationship with things that are shallow, and have little interest in what really matters. Answers and facts are far less important than what we want, or think we want, or how we “feel”. Man expects to be served and accepted even in his most sinfully lost and dead condition to the degree that the world will accept the most sinful attitudes and actions demanding our social support. It is true that God loves us all. It is also true that we will be judged by Him and our faith will find us out.

Interestingly, we are all faithful. The question about faith is not whether it exists, but to what it is that we give our allegiance. Does your life reveal a life of spiritual and physical service to God, or does it reveal a faith in the weak and flawed here and now? Are you a product of the current system of casual commitment to Jesus? Are you a child of God, or a product of the world in which you live? In what do you have faith? Where is your heart when life is failing, or you are falling? What do we really believe in when life is going well? Is God only a thought when times are hard, or is He the guide when you have a life to live and blessings to celebrate?

I pray you are faithfully seeking great spiritual service for the King. May we all be found to be His working servants in our lives! Godspeed on your journey at livecasino canada .