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Luke 9:51-56, When the time was coming near for Jesus to depart, he was determined to go to Jerusalem. He sent some messengers ahead of him, who went into a town in Samaria to make everything ready for him. But the people there would not welcome him, because he was set on going to Jerusalem. When James and John, followers of Jesus, saw this, they said, “Lord, do you want us to call fire down from heaven and destroy those people?”55 But Jesus turned and scolded them. And Jesus said, “You don’t know what kind of spirit you belong to. The Son of Man did not come to destroy the souls of people but to save them.” Then they went to another town.

James and John were known as the Sons of Thunder. (Mark 3:17) Nicknames can be interesting. They are often not what they may sound like. They are not necessarily literal adjectives. I wonder why Jesus gave them the nicknames He did. Maybe it had more to do with their attitude than with their ability to bring any real storm. Maybe it had to do with the storm that raged within them. We’ll have to wait to know the answer to this. In this episode we find them asking for permission to be the bringers of great and mass destruction. Jesus declines their request. A preacher once nicknamed me Lonesimus. I’ll let you ponder that one for a while. (Read Philemon for a hint.)

Nothing is more permanent or terrifying than the destruction of the lost. To wish this on anyone is a terrifying prospect. Eternity is a very long time. While there are times when life has to be taken, we would all do well to never forget that we are only saved by the most profound sacrifice of our most innocent Savior.

This world is filled with violence and sin of every kind. In keeping with our loyalty and reflection of our Savior, we find ample reasons for offense in this world. We may even find ourselves asking for divine retribution through our supplication to God. We really need to pray for His mercy for all involved. We should be seeking repentance more than judgment. Remember that Jesus forgave even those who placed Him on the cross on which He died. (Luke 23:34)

God is truly the only righteous judge. When Jesus returns those who have rejected Him will cry out for the mountains to bury them. (Luke 23:30) We know that judgement is coming. The very thought should bring us all to weeping, mourning, and praying. Never boast about being saved while others are lost. Never forget the Edomite’s. (Obadiah) The only thing between the saved and the lost is a CROSS! I have nothing but shame when that fact becomes the base of my understanding.

There might be those who have wronged us deeply. We can never forget that we have been the worst of transgressors, before we attempt to quantify the wrongs of others. I am not saying there aren’t times for righteous judgement, I am simply pointing out a corresponding attitude that should accompany our holy efforts. We should always have three things on hand: humility, repentance, and a vanquished ego.

May God help us all to live as He would have us to in this world.