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In addressing the needs of man, one has to consider where to begin. If I am ever going to solve the needs of my own soul I have to start somewhere – but where? The definition of who we are and where we are in life is found in our relationship with God. Abraham observed of a particular Philistine area, “Abraham said, “Because I thought, surely there is no fear of God in this place, and they will kill me because of my wife.” (Genesis 20:11) People who fear God live their lives within the confines of His wisdom and guidance. Those who do not fear God are amenable to their own wisdom which is always a recipe for failure.

People without God can be ethical, honest and even benevolent. People can find happiness in life without God. Not joy, but certainly happiness. But some questions will always live, whether we are faithful or not. IN fact, they can only be answered through a faithful connection to the Father of All. “Where did I come from?” “What do I do now that I am here?” “Where am I going?” All of these are questions that are only answered definitively by God Himself. The Bible doesn’t attempt to prove the existence of God, it reveals Him through proclamation. (Genesis 1:1) It also concludes with a proclamation. (Revelation 22:13)

Belief in God is the foundational principle which opens the door to the possibility of salvation. For those who think it is here that one is saved, I would point out James’ inspired statement, “even devils believe…” (James 2:19) Belief is the place we have to start. It is the prerequisite to all else. Without faith we cannot please God. (Hebrews 11:6) In both Psalms 14 and 53 God acknowledges that the fool has said in their heart there is no God. In revelation the fate of the faithless is defined as catastrophic. (Revelation 21:18)

People are placed into one of three categories from a Biblical standpoint. First there is the “atheist.” He believes that there is simply no God to acknowledge. While he can exercise that attitude, he will face the consequence of that position. God will not be lenient on those who have rejected Him in this world. (Romans 1:18-32) God’s existence is built into our being and only with help and hard hearts can we become so defiant. Next, the “agnostic” believes that God is unknowable. These are people simply afraid to make a decision. They believe they are safe by simply peering into the spiritual with an attitude of lackadaisical distance. The final category is the theist. They believe in and acknowledge a higher power. Interestingly, there has been no culture ancient or otherwise which has not acknowledged a higher power. While individuals can have their own opinion, God simply holds people responsible for those opinions. The greatest obstacle to faith in the modern world is not atheism, or agnosticism – it is without question materialism. This is an attempt to insulate one’s self from the responsibilities we have in life. People concentrate on gathering for themselves to the rejection of most all else, but especially God. (Luke 12)

I pray for you that you are found seeking out a relationship with God. I hope that you believe the evidence God will hold us all accountable to see. Whether we believe or not, God IS! If we will ever know peace in this life, it begins with Him. If we will know life, it will be found in His presence. At some point, for all of us, there will come a recognition of the valueless nature of “things” and the invaluable virtue of recognizing The Lord God Almighty. May we all be found living in faith and truth.